It's an on-demand workshop that is normally ONLY available to retailers inside my coaching program, the Retailer's Inner Circle.
It's a tried and true TRUSTED resource inside our resource vault. Our members have been using this guide for 6 years and love the results they get from it.
This workshop is simple.
And has a sleigh load FULL of everything you need.
Done for you!
We will help you create YOUR perfect Holiday Plan:
The on-demand bite-sized modules will walk you through:
Define what a successful season looks like for YOUR shop - it's not the same for everyone, perhaps that looks like more profit, a higher paycheck, AND time off for cookie baking.
️Attach revenue goals to get there - we will share ideas for you and untapped opportunities for your shop
Get your marketing and team ready to meet those goals so you can rock your holidays YOUR way!
The best thing about the BootCamp is that once you get the pieces in place, you can just set it and action it.
️No running around at the last minute winging everything.
️No missed opportunities.
️No second guessing.
️Have revenue and profits planning done.
You plan it out.
We give you templates, ideas, prompts, and editable graphics to get it all done!
By being prepared and ready, you ENJOY the holidays and do what you do best. Serve your clients, be there for your family, and your team, and be a happier and more energetic you.
Maybe even have time to bake a cookie or 2!